People who know me tend to realize fast that I’m “anti-online comic”, but it’s for no real reason. I just tend to never find the comics as funny as other people, so I don’t actively seek them out. If there’s an exception to this rule, it would be The Oatmeal. This site publishes what I’d consider to be the best comics out there, because they’re not only informative, but witty and hilarious as well.
One recently-published comic is titled, “Why I Believe Printers Were Sent From Hell – To Make Us Miserable”, and it’s one I highly recommend reading, because if you have to deal with a printer ever, then you’re unlikely to not get a chuckle out of it. Unless you are known to flare your anger at the site of things that rub you the wrong way. In that case, you may punch a hole in the wall.
The comic touches on the obvious, but spins it into humor. Ever notice how the printers at the store which cost the least end up being the biggest pain in the end? I admit, I bought my Brother printer for about $50, and while I should have expected a quality offering, that’s not quite what I got. When a particular color is almost low, it just won’t print anything, and that’s something else that this comic happens to touch on.

In addition to the blurb above, other aspects of printers the comic touches on involves nonsensical error messages, the fact that printing pictures is useless, ink being more expensive than most any other liquid out there and more. While I’m at it, two other comics at The Oatmeal that I recommend are related to web design hell and why it’s better to pretend that you know nothing about computers.