If you’re building a new PC and are aiming for the mITX form-factor, chances are good that you’ll be placing this PC out in the open, for everyone to see. That being the case (no pun, of course), you no doubt want it to look good, and be reasonably easy to install in. Fortunately, Fractal’s NODE 304 hits the mark on both accounts.
It’s no surprise to our regular readers and other TG staff members that I go coo-coo crazy over cases, even going so far as to change my forum title here at Techgage to “basket chassis”. What really blows my skirt up though, is when a case comes along with a fresh design that looks good while remaining functional. After all, a good-looking case that doesn’t do what’s needed is just a fancy box.
Today we’re looking at the NODE 304 from Fractal Design. It’s not a new case per se, but rather the original NODE, in a new colour. This steel, mini-ITX case, like most other Fractal Design offerings strives to remain simple and clean on the outside, but feature-rich on the inside.
Read the rest of our article.