Not long after NVIDIA launched its GeForce GTX 700 series, SLI bridges complementary to the reference cards popped up all over. The problem? They were only to be found at NVIDIA-related events – fans who wanted one had to deal without. Towards the end of summer, EVGA helped rectify the problem by releasing its own custom bridges, and overall, they looked pretty snazzy. To many, though, they weren’t as attractive as NVIDIA’s in-house ones.
Well, NVIDIA has finally decided to begin selling these bridges on its own store, and while they are not exactly cheap, it’s hard to beat their aesthetics. Both the 2-way standard and 2-way spaced bridges cost $29.99, while the 3-way bridge tacks on $10. Why there’s no 4-way bridge, I’m not sure.
There’s one important thing to note about these bridges: While they all feature a light-up GeForce logo, it only works on NVIDIA’s own reference card designs (the industrial-looking cards, as seen in the shot above). That’s unfortunate, and yet another thing that seems a bit needless. Perhaps it means other vendors will start creating their own bridges?
To purchase one of these new bridges, head here.