Dragon Age Origins took many RPG fans by immense surprise, with its lengthy story, fascinating characters, brilliant control scheme and et cetera. Unfortunately, its second installment was the exact opposite. But now, we have Dragon Age Inquisition: Did BioWare learn from its mistakes or did it just roll another critical number one?
Before we begin with this review of Dragon Age Inquisition, I want to take a brief moment to remember where we’ve been with the Dragon Age franchise. The first game had its share of problems. There were times when it felt like it dragged on, overwhelming the player with its sheer length. On the plus side, it was by all accounts the best first outing of a new RPG franchise in a long time. The second game in the series, on the other hand, got far fewer raves. Let’s just say the prevailing opinion on it was that it was fast-tracked to make EA money after the EA and Bioware merger. Consequently there was a lot of ass covering and promise-making for the next installment.
Which brings the story behind the game franchise up to date. Now we are seeing those promises brought to life in Dragon Age Inquisition. Quick disclosure: I’ve been playing Bioware games since the original Baldur’s Gate came out and I’ve been a fan of the studio ever since. I also felt scorned with Dragon Age 2, but I can say my faith has been renewed in this title.
Now before I get too far into why my faith’s been restored, let’s start with the heart of any RPG: the story. The player will take on the role of the Inquisitor. The way the player molds their character’s sex, race and class is pivotal to how the world will interact with them and what romance options will be available to them. While this isn’t new to the series, Bioware has said that these elements will hold greater sway in the world.
Read the rest of our article.