by Rob Williams on November 7, 2006 in Systems
What do you get when you place a huge computer manufacturer in a blender with an Italian automobile powerhouse? One great looking laptop! Does it prove to be as fast as the cars it mimics?
Towards the bottom left-hand corner, we have a few more status LED lights. These mostly coincide with buttons above the keyboard that have to do with Wifi, performance mode, touchpad enable and battery.
Here is a view of the layout towards the top of the laptop. Without the battery installed, there is a gap between the screen and rest of the unit. That will be filled in when the battery is hauled out of the box.
Even the keys have a nice texture!
This notebook doesn’t have a built-in webcam, so what you see at the top of the monitor is the ASUS logo again.
We have the Lamborghini signature right above the three component stickers.
As mentioned earlier, towards the top we have a slew of buttons. One disables the wifi on the fly, one the touchpad and another the bluetooth. If you are not plugged into a wall, there is another here to select a performance mode. Finally, the last one is to open up an instance of your default browser. Towards the right of these buttons, we have even more status LEDs in addition to the power button.
Turning the laptop over, we have a few things to note. First, we have the Windows genuine authentication with product key, serial and model number, various stamps of approval and ASUS + Lamborghini card with identification number.