by Robert Tanner on March 2, 2011 in Storage
There couldn’t be a better time than the present to purchase an SSD, and on the same token, it’s also a strange time. Performance drives cost the same as budget drives, and a perfect example of this is Corsair’s Force F90. It’s priced-right, offers incredible performance, and makes perfect use of its SandForce SF-1200 controller.
There really isn’t any question about it; if considering the Corsair Force series solid-state drives, then they almost recommend themselves. For at least a little while longer SandForce controllers are the most powerful SSD controllers around, and Corsair is a company that stands behind its products.
With prices continuing to decline, the time hasn’t been better to find some amazing deals on a solid-state drive. Currently, street level prices on Corsair Force drives fall around $1.60-80 a GB, but we have already seen one store promotion reach considerably lower.
This leads us to the unspoken white elephant in the room. We would be negligent if we didn’t mention that SandForce will be launching a new, SF-2200 controller and that these SSDs will be even faster. If looking for only the absolute best and you do have a SATA 6Gbps port to use, then we recommend holding out for one if a few more months wait isn’t an issue. In addition, it was announced these will be carry a price premium over current SF-1200 drives, likely even more so for the initial months in all likelihood.

That said, if the motherboard or laptop in question only supports SATA 3Gbps then there is surprisingly little reason to contemplate a future SF-2200 drive, because without SATA 6Gbps the performance would be nearly identical to current SandForce drives just with a higher price premium. We can’t say it enough, if planning to use an SSD with a SATA 3Gbps port then you should simply stick to a SF-1200 drive such as the Corsair Force series.
Corsair’s 90GB Force series sold-state drive features one of the best SSD controllers currently available, delivering high-end performance at a more manageable price point. Whether for a desktop or a notebook upgrade the jump in system responsiveness will be tangible, and we would go as far to say that after making the switch to a solid-state drive we suspect you won’t ever wish to wait a normal hard drive based system again.
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