by Rob Williams on May 17, 2005 in Software
Lavalys just released two new versions of their EVEREST program, Ultimate and Corporate. Each new version proves to be even more useful than the last. These being major version releases, they have launched with four new features. Today, we are taking a look at the Ultimate version.
One thing that the previous versions of EVEREST lacked, were benchmarking tests. The only choice you had was to benchmark your memory’s Read/Write and Latency capabilities. This has changed in the Ultimate Version, as they added both CPU and FPU tests as well.
As you can see from the pictures below, both the CPU and FPU benchmarks consist of three tests. The bulk of theses tests tell me that my PC is faster than a PIII-E, and that makes me happy. :)
These are unique tests, that you don’t see included as benchmarks often. Here is a quick rundown of what each test, other than the obvious memory ones, do:
CPU Queen: This test is called Queen, because it’s Chessboard related. It focuses on the predictions and mis-predictions of your CPU, and stresses it to find solutions. If you have a CPU that’s great at number crunching, such as a P4-EE or an AMD64, then you will get much higher scores than I accomplished.
CPU Photoworxx:: As the name suggests, this is a Digital Photo Processing test. The test performs 7 primary functions on a very large RBG image to spit out the result. This is also memory intensive, so faster memory will help your score. This test also takes advantage of fast math processors, including ones with HyperThreading and even Dual-Core.
CPU ZLib: The least in-depth test of the three, this one focuses on compression, using of course, the ZLib compression library.