Intel 335 Series 180GB SSD Review

by Robert Tanner on March 18, 2013 in Storage

Looking for a mainstream SSD but need help deciding which to choose? Is that $10 difference really worth it? Who’s got the most reliable SandForce based-SSD around? Why does Intel have so many SandForce SSDs anyway? All these questions and more are answered within!

Page 6 – Synthetic: HD Tune Pro 5.0

HD Tune is still primarily an HDD benchmark, but we include it as an alternative for those consumers that prefer it for one reason or another. The free version does not perform write tests, but otherwise is available for free here.

HD Tune has always produced differing results compared to other synthetic programs, and this time is no different. There is clearly something about the Intel 335 that HD Tune likes, as it does very well in the sequential read test and performs second only to the Vector in the random access tests. Just as with AS SSD, access latency times are also favorable.

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