by Rob Williams on October 2, 2006 in Miscellaneous
If you are looking to get into the D-SLR world but find it too expensive, then you may not know the value that awaits you. We are taking a look at the Nikon D50 6.1 megapixel camera, and given the pricerange, it packs a serious punch.
All of the pictures from here on out can be clicked on to view the original, unaltered JPEG Fine version at the 6MP resolution of 3,008*2,000. Two pictures also include the RAW .NEF file for download, should you have a program able to read it. The full view images range from 700Kb – 3MB each.
First up is one of my favorite shots taken with the D50, of my cat Obi. This was shot with the 55-200mm lens at 120mm 1/125s f/8.0. The camera did quite a good job capturing his black fur… it’s incredibly accurate here. The clarity of the face is impressive also… overall a great shot.
Since we are a tech site and I constantly take pictures of new products, many photos here will be examples of what it can do. First up is the ASUS 7900GT TOP video card, which was taken with the 18-55mm lens at 28mm 1/60s f/4.2. I took numerous photos of the box, around 10, and this is the one that proved the most accurate. The glossy look of the lettering was the most difficult to capture accurately, but this was achieved by pointing the Speedlight towards the furthest wall. Bouncing off of the ceiling left a rather matte look.
Onto the actual video card itself. Here, the SB-600 was positioned differently, which resulted in a very different looking carpet. The carpet in the first photo is more accurate than the second, however the second is accurate with low light in the room. This photo was taken with the same 18-55mm lens at 42mm 1/125s f/8.0.
The following picture is pretty self explanatory, but I am not completely happy with how it turned out. This is my fault however, certainly not the cameras. At this time, I was still finding the optimal settings for the SB-600, but decided against using it at all for this shot. The difference is clear.
Regardless, the most important part of the picture is obviously the box, and it was reflected greatly. Overall, the picture as a whole turned out slightly darker than it should have, but it’s nothing a little PP and cropping wouldn’t fix. Photo was shot at 30mm 1/125s f/5.6.
Like the previous shot, this one clearly reflects what a noob I really am. It’s dark, but a little brightening in PS or The GIMP fixes most of the issue. What I enjoy most about this picture is the absolute clarity of each item shown. It’s crisp and clear.. I like it. Shot at 23mm 1/125s f/8.0.
If clarity is what I enjoyed about the previous picture, it’s what I am incredibly satisfied with in this shot. At full resolution, you can easily read all of the codes on the board. This again, turned out a little dark but overall it’s an extremely clear looking result. Like the last photo, this was also shot at 23mm 1/125s f/8.0.
If you have read any of my previous camera reviews, then you probably have realized that I love taking pictures of nature and animals. Why? Because nature seems to be everywhere in Saint John, New Brunswick. Same goes for animals… you never have to go very far. That said, lets take a look at some nature shots.