by Rob Williams on July 6, 2019 in Graphics & Displays
The first Turing GeForce cards released almost ten months ago, so it’s time for an upgrade – perhaps even a “SUPER” one? With a new title to hit the GeForce line, we’re getting just that with updated RTX 2060 and 2070s, and promises of an updated 2080 coming SUPER soon. Let’s see what the first new cards are made of.
Monster Hunter: World
Performance scaling doesn’t change-up much with Monster Hunter: World. At 1080p, every single one of these GPUs can run the game at very high detail with the high-res texture pack, with even the RX 590 keeping ahead of 60 FPS minimum. That GPU falls a bit too far behind at 1440p, while only NVIDIA’s SUPERs and the RTX 2070 manage to keep safely above 60 FPS. The Vega 64 and original RTX 2060 don’t fall too far behind.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
We’re skipping minimums with this one, since some of what we saw made no sense, and we obviously need to refine how we test this game. Nonetheless, all of the cards deliver strong performance at up to 1440p, which even includes the RX 590. That’s not bad for a modern game that sports many graphical effects (including ray tracing, but that wasn’t tested here).
The Division 2
The Division 2 is an AMD’d partnered game, but NVIDIA’s GPUs perform exceptionally well with it. But, at top-end graphics settings, ultrawide does get a little iffy even for the RTX 2070 SUPER, peaking at 55 FPS. Thankfully, this game has a billion (give or take) graphics settings to tweak, so if you’re desperate for 60 FPS, it shouldn’t take much tweaking to get there.