by Rob Williams on March 23, 2011 in Graphics & Displays
Catering to those who demand great GPU performance for a modest price, NVIDIA has launched its $130 $150 GeForce GTX 550 Ti. Compared to the GTS 450 which it replaces, the GTX 550 Ti delivers faster performance, a beefier memory bus and what NVIDIA touts as being one of the best performance per watt ratios around.
Just Cause 2 might not belong to a well-established series of games, but with its launch, it looks like that might not be the case for long. The game offers not only superb graphics, but an enormous world to explore, and for people like me, a countless number of hidden items to find around it. During the game, you’ll be scaling skyscrapers, racing through jungles and fighting atop snow-drenched mountains. What’s not to like?

Manual Run-through: The level chosen here is part of the second mission in the game, “Casino Bust”. Our runthrough begins at the second-half of the level, which requires us to situate ourselves on top of a car and have our driver, Karl Blaine, speed us through part of the island to safety. This is a great mission for benchmarking as we get to see a lot of the landmass, even if some of it is at a distance.

With Just Cause 2 leaning towards AMD’s cards (for some bizarre reason, given the game is an NVIDIA “The Way it’s Meant to Be Played”), it’s of no surprise to see the HD 5770 creep up ahead. Both cards don’t do well to handle this game, however. For smooth 1080p gameplay, AA needs to be turned off, along with SSAO and other detail settings need to be turned to Medium or Low. For 1680×1050, AA and SSAO need to be disabled at which point the game can deliver an acceptable ~40 FPS.