by Rob Williams on September 14, 2012 in Graphics & Displays
With the release of its GeForce GTX 660, NVIDIA has delivered what we feel to be one of the most attractive Kepler offerings to date. It may be a step-down from the Ti edition released last month, but the GTX 660 delivers great performance across the board, and priced at $229, it won’t break the bank.
Of all the games we test with in our current suite, there is no other that’s likely to suck hundreds of hours out of your life than Skyrim. An expansive world, in-depth game mechanics, and the feeling that there’s always something to do… it’s no wonder the game has hit the right mark with so many people. While not the most graphically-intensive game, we like to test with it due to its popularity and the fact that it scales well in performance.

Manual Run-through: From the entry point in Markarth, our path leads us around the entire city, ultimately bringing us back to where we started.

Skyrim is the weakest game graphically in our line-up, so it’s of little surprise that the GTX 660 handles the game no problem, straight up to 2560×1600 and with max detail. As mentioned with DiRT: Showdown, multi-monitor with 1440×900 displays should be able to handle this game no problem on a GTX 660. That’s a big bang for the buck, right there.