by Rob Williams on April 2, 2007 in Miscellaneous
We took a look at a PC2-7200 kit from OCZ last year and it proved to be one of the best kits we’ve ever laid our mitts on. Today we are taking a look at another PC2-7200 kit, approved and branded by NVIDIA. Are we going to be impressed once again?
Next on the list is Everest 3.5, with it’s read/write and latency tests. We broke through the 8K mark in our read tests and came close to 5,500 in our write. These benchmarks are heavily CPU bound as well though, so the higher your CPU frequency, the better effects your memory overclocks will have.
Super Pi
This is not a memory benchmark per se, but rather one that stresses a single core of your CPU to it’s full potential. Because it crunches such an insane amount of digits, tighter timings and faster memory generally offers better results. We choose to run with an 8 million test, as anything lower flies by too fast on a Core 2 Duo and it’s hard to generally see the differences that way.
Thanks to our overclock, we crunched 8 million digits in just under 4 minutes. Not terribly impressive, thanks to the fact we couldn’t reach a slightly higher CPU overclock.
Though it’s no longer in development, Sciencemark is a tool I still like to keep in my chest… err thumb drive. It gives results far more in-depth than other benchmarking programs out there, although you’d have to be an engineer to care for -all- the information it delivers. It generates a bandwidth result just like Everest and Sandra does, and is effected by higher CPU clocks.
We didn’t break 6,000 here, but we came incredibly close!