by Rob Williams on July 14, 2006 in Miscellaneous
The highly anticipated return of Voltage Extreme memory from OCZ is finally here. The latest revision rolls in with DDR2-1000 speeds and a very tight 4-4-4-15 timing set. They are not called Voltage Extreme for nothing though. Let’s see how far these can be pushed..
Even though mathematical calculations like this are extremely CPU intensive, they are also ram intensive. The faster your ram, the faster the overall calculations will be. How SuperPi works is that you can specify how many digits you want to calculate past the decimal point. If you choose 1 Million, it will begin with the 3. and continue with 14359 all the way until it hits the 1 Millionth digit mark.
Contrary to popular belief, the 3D Mark benchmark is not entirely useless! Despite it being over 5 years old, it’s a good standard to note differences with your overclocks. PC Mark is also good, because it runs numerous ram specific tests, and gives you an overall result.
Without a doubt, these are same amazingly fast modules. I am upset that my CPU was unable to aide in pushing them further, but I am fully confident even with the performance I have achieved, I come nowhere close to what’s possible. We will be seeing much better performance on AM2, and moreso on Conroe when it drops. As mentioned earlier, the strap on my setup is horrible, and Conroe will be far better to tweak for some optimal performance.
So the point we really boil down to, is whether or not these modules are worth your hard earned money. These are some of the -fastest- modules you can get your hands on today, but for $450US. Surprisingly, this is still $20 cheaper than G. Skill modules that use the similar IC’s. I was unable to push my kit as far as they could have been, so if you plan to go ‘eXtreme’ with them, you will want to have a beefy CPU, preferably one with an unlocked multiplier.
If you are interested in these modules for their looks more than their overclocking ability, you should look for some of the PC2-6400 kits that use the same spreaders. If you are a hardcore enthusiast looking for modules to fulfill your tweaking dreams, and possibly set some records, you will not go wrong with these.
For their extreme speed and potential, I am awarding the OCZ PC2-8000 VX2 a 9/10.
- Freakin’ fast
- Modules crave voltage..
- Developed by a true enthusiast
- Ti Alpha spreaders look amazing!
- The $450US price tag.
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