by Rob Williams on September 12, 2005 in Miscellaneous
Being the hardcore gamers that we are, the need for more than 1GB of memory is becoming evident. Last year, 512MB didn’t cut it, especially when playing top games like Half-Life 2 and Doom III. Now, current and upcoming top games are demanding more than 1GB, like BF2 and FEAR. Today, we are taking a look at a 2GB kit that is designed specifically for gamers.
Without a doubt, these are absolutely amazing sticks. They don’t overclock well, but the stock performance is incredible. At the same speeds, the OCZ 2GB kit matched up evenly with the Crucial Ballistix PC4000 512MB sticks we reviewed a few months back. I’m skeptical often.. I don’t know why. But when I received these sticks, I didn’t expect to be impressed too much, because I was set in the mindset that more than 1GB will be much slower.
I’m proud to say that is not the case. I undoubtedly recommend these sticks to anyone who has the urge or need to upgrade to 2GB of memory. They are blazingly fast and very stable. I am awarding the Gold 2GB kit a well deserved 9/10, and an Editors Choice award.
This is the second OCZ review on the site, and I am sure there will be more in the future. OCZ is a company I admire. The people there are not only employees, but hardcore enthusiasts, and this is why we see such quality products out of them. I can’t wait to see what else they have on the horizon!
As always, thanks to OCZ for allowing me to review these modules! If you have anything that you’d like to comment on about the review, please don’t hesitate to make a post in our related forum thread. If I forgot to mention something in the review, you can ask it in the thread as well.