by Rob Williams on March 13, 2006 in Graphics & Displays
Are you building a new PC or HTPC and are looking for a great budget card? PowerColor may have exactly what you need, with their X1600XT 256MB. It offers great gaming performance for a budget card, and includes the AVIVO technology to make your video experience even better.
How could someone seriously not enjoy this game? The game is chock full of eye candy, but it seriously works great on most video cards available. Though the gameplay is nothing really to brag about, it’s a great platform for benchmarking because it throws many graphic effects your way. If you have not looked into this game before, you should seriously check out our review of the game here.
Again, I took the easy way out in this benchmark. I loaded up the first level and progressed through it until the end. The level begins you in a very small village filled with blue people, and you progress through to reach an open field. After hopping on Dino, a small dinosaur, you continue along and take on a brute with a magic axe. Playing through this level reminds me of a cartoon version of Far Cry, because of the lush landscapes.
The benchmarks were run using 4x AA and all other graphic settings at default.
Here we can find the largest gap between the performance of the X1600XT and 6800GT. Now, this game is supposedly ‘optimized’ for NVIDIA, which could explain the larger difference. Even still, the game was extremely smooth at 1280 with almost 50FPS being pushed out.
Next up is Quake IV, which should prove quite a worth challenge for this budget card.