by Jen McPherson on April 28, 2005 in Audio & Media
With so many MP3 players on the market today people are unsure what is good and what to look for. Well the Ultra 256Mb MP3 player boasts many unique features and looks to be quite promising. So, without further commentary lets begin the review!
There are so many features to this little thing that I was boggled as to where to start. I decided to try out the main feature, and sorted out my MP3’s while the player charged. The fact that you can plug the MP3 player into your USB port to charge it is great, it comes with a rechargeable battery and it also uses normal batteries, though those cannot be recharged via this manner.
The only downfall is that it has to be recharged through a PC. One small AAA battery will work great, although the rechargeable battery has decent life of it’s own, as I found using the player almost all day doing chores. If your traveling, however, I would be sure to keep a packet of AAA batteries handy, just in case your chargeable battery runs out of juice.
Uploading the MP3’s is easy, the player comes with a USB extension cord that you can hook up to the player and the PC, or you can plug the player directly into your PC, whichever would work best for you. Go into your system’s ‘My Computer’ and find the removable HDD icon, which would be your MP3 player. Mine was marked ‘H’, but if you have another portable HDD device plugged in it may be different for you. Then you can just drag and drop, or copy and past your MP3’s into the window.
Close and safely remove the MP3 player from your system and wallah! You have music to take with you anywhere you go! Since the player is small it fits into a pocket easily, making it perfect for jogging, hiking… just about any outdoor activity, and even while your working, which for me is fantastic. Uploading files can take a few minutes, but this fact did not bother me.
The sound quality is great, and the headphones are small and light. If your not used to headphones that go in your ear they may feel slightly uncomfortable. They also double as a microphone for the voice recording function. Located at the top of the player is a small loop hole with a thin bar, meant to string the headphones to the player. Actually looping this braided thread through is the only difficult process with the player.
With this cord connected to the player it makes it so the player can hang from the headphones, which I did not like personally. It also takes away about an inch of length from the cord, making it a little difficult to put in a pant pocket. It does, however, hold the player securely to the headphones, and you can remove the headphones from the player if you want by unscrewing the cap off the metal hub.