by Rob Williams on July 6, 2005 in Cooling
If you want your PC to look pimp, but can’t find any great looking fans, Ultra may have your answer. We are taking a look at their Glossy Fans, which promises quiet cooling, and superior looks.
There are two immediate reasons why I love these particular fans. Firstly, when they are installed and are running, they look great. The fan blades are reflective silver, so it adds to the effect. The pictures in this review don’t really do it justice, as pictures without the flash, on my camera, come out horrible.
The second reason I love the fan, is because of the included Molex connector that comes with it. With most fans I have used in the past, usually included is a basic 3-Pin to 4-Pin Molex convertor. Usually these will have female and male Molex ends, so as to not tie up any of your connections. Well, that looks seriously messy, but not with Ultras. Instead of having a dual molex ended connector, it’s one ended, as you can see in the picture. So bascially, they rid one molex connector, but it has the same possibilities. Very nice.
While the fans look like metal, they are actually plastic, very light plastic even. This may make them feel a little on the cheap side to some, but they actually feel quite durable. To add to the great looks of the fans as well, the cables are silver shielded, and the power connectors are black.
Since these fans are pretty standard in the RPM they deliver, I didn’t do any true temperature comparison. If you currently use similar fans in your setup, these will not cool any better, but they may look cooler.
Overall, these are fantastic fans, and I haven’t any complaints. They are quiet, look great and perform even better. Just by looking at the photos, you should know whether you like them or not. If you think they would look great in your PC, don’t hesitate to check them out!
Thanks to Ultra as always for sending us the samples. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what they will come up with next.
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