It took a mere month-and-a-half for 180 neighborhoods around the dual Kansas City’s to hop on the path to become ‘fiberhoods’, Google has announced. The company first announced its intention to rollout its jaw-dropping 1Gbit/s Internet service in Kansas City, MO and KS, and the response was staggering right out of the gate. While it’d seem likely that every neighborhood would reach its minimum sign-up goals, only 89% actually had.
If you happen to be one of the lucky few who have a fiberhood en route, you can track the progress of it here. The first neighborhood to be blessed with this fibery goodness is Hanover Heights in Kansas. Google notes that this was the first neighborhood to successfully meet its required quota… a mere two hours after the campaign began.
Other fiberhoods are set for construction beginning in December, with some dates running up to Spring. Google hasn’t mentioned just how long it will take to complete the rollout to every qualifying neighborhood, but I wouldn’t expect it to happen in less than a year.
Never before have I wanted to see a piece of tech hurry up and get put into action. Here’s to hoping Google’s initial rollout expands to become a massive one soon.