2012 was a great year for PC gaming, and the way things are looking, 2013 may just be better. If you’re having trouble remembering some of the epics that are en route, PC Gamer has got you covered. The folks there constructed an exhaustive list of the “best” PC games to come this year, although given the sheer number listed, it’s better to consider it a list of games coming out in 2013 and nothing more.
Looking through the list, it’s hard to not get excited by some of the games listed here. It’s my hope that we’re not let-down by any of them, because some have amazing potential. Case in point: Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs. Other games that strike my interest include Tomb Raider, Crysis 3, Prey 2, Metro: Last Night, Rise of the Triad, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4, Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger, GRID 2, Distance, SimCity and… despite it not having been announced for the PC, Grand Theft Auto V.
What games are you looking forward to?