One of the ways the RIAA operates is by donating money to politicians who then enact favorable legislation on their behalf. Don’t let the optimist in you believe that this doesn’t work. It does. But wait, aren’t these representatives supposed to work for you? Sure. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 50 congresspeople who took campaign contributions from the RIAA in the last election cycle.
This is a comprehensive list, which no doubt took a lot of effort on the Consumerists part. In first place is Robert Wexler, who received $9,000 from the RIAA to date. Lamar Smith rolls in at second wtih $7,500 and Orrin G Hatch in third with $6,000.
Doesn’t that just piss you right off? Wouldn’t it be great if the Consumerist also gave you the contact information to each one of these politicians? You are in luck.
Source: Consumerist