Overclocking-wise, AMD unfortunately hasn’t been the first choice by many for some time, though the company has continually been producing the best parts it can, evidenced by the fact that there’s never been a Black Edition far from reach. Could things turn around with the help of the company’s upcoming Bulldozer line-up? If a new world record is a hint, then yes.
At a small event held at the end of August, AMD gathered some of the best overclockers in the world and had them overclock a huge tray of Bulldozer chips to their heart’s content. In the end, most parts capped out at 8GHz, but one managed to reach a staggering 8,429MHz, effectively breaking the 8,308GHz record held by an Intel chip.
Guinness has recognized the achievement and today will be presenting an official award to AMD, at the company’s AMD Fusion Zone being held in San Francisco.
On air and modest water solutions, AMD expects that mid-4GHz overclocks will be common, which would put it on a level playing field for the most part with Intel. Of course, we’re still left to wonder how Bulldozer will compare clock-for-clock to Sandy Bridge, but we’re nearing ever closer to having an answer.
AMD has posted a video showcasing the overclocking session at the YouTube URL below, but for those looking to get a little more depth from the event, I’d recommend checking out a video posted by [H]ard|OCP.