It appears as though the February 20th, 2007 embargo date on Athlon 64 X2 6000+ applies to everyone except DailyTech and Newegg. Details of the last high-end Athlon 64 X2 processor before AMD’s next-generation microarchitecture was leaked out DailyTech just a few days ago. Ryan Shrout tells us that early this morning the retailer began selling the 3.0GHz chip for $599 in-stock, which is actually just under the volume distributor pricing of $607. also lists the processor, but for $685 and out of stock.
This bundle of joy can be had for $600, and NewEgg actually has them in stock. Competition aside, this is one sweet chip for the price. 3GHz has not been done before at stock speed and it is the right frequency in order to hit DDR2-1200 speeds if that suits your fancy. To think only half a year ago this chip would have sold for more than double, at least.
Source: Daily Tech