At a press event held by AMD, many ATI-related technologies were unveiled, such as more information pertaining to their DX11 graphics cards. One technology to take the web by storm, though, is the company’s “Eyefinity” multi-display technology, which looks to put all previous multi-display technologies to absolute shame. But, by the looks of things, this will benefit mainly those willing to part with a lot of money.
The Eyefinity technology is scalable, so you can use three displays if you want, or for a more realistic perspective, six. If you paired six 30″ displays together, you’d be able to enjoy your game at the unbelievable resolution of 7680×3200, or 24.5 megapixels. This not only delivers more immersion into your gameplay, but it would also allow you to see more on-screen at a time.
Probably the most amazing demo of them all would have to be the 24 display setup which showed off some flight simulator. With those 24 24″ monitors paired together, the resolution would be 11520×4800, or 55 megapixels. Now that’s intense. Of course, you’d expect that ATI’s newest cards would be capable of handling the performance required to pull off such a task, and it does look as though they will be. Of course, things like anti-aliasing might be considered a luxury, but what part of a 24 – 55 megapixel display isn’t?
While I do think that Eyefinity is cool, I really have to wonder how well such a technology would sell ATI’s products. I can think of few people who own multi-display setups, and they’re certainly not using 30-inch’s or usually even 24’s, much less six of one or the other. Still, for those hardcore gamers with the cash, this looks to become the latest killer app for our gaming.
AMD obviously spent a lot of time on the Eyefinity drivers and they seem to be fairly solid even though the graphics cards won’t be launched for a number of weeks. AMD had a system up and playing the upcoming DX11 racing game, Dirt 2, at 7680 x 3200 with solid performance from the looks of it. Playing games at this resolution will tax the system, but obviously the new Evergreen DirectX 11 graphics card has the muscle to run the game just fine.