As part of AT&T’s agreement to the FCC, they are required to offer basic DSL service for $10 a month. Sounds reasonable, however it’s crippled with 768Kbits down and 128Kbits up. This is a service that they don’t want you to know about, which is evidenced by the fact that it is deliberately hidden deep within their website. As far as Boing Boing is concerned though, people shouldn’t be looking at this with a hint of consideration anyway.
But even at $10/month, AT&T DSL should be avoided like the plague. These are the scumbags who illegally wiretapped the entire Internet for the NSA, who broke net-neutrality to find “copyright infringements, and who inspired NBC to call for a law requiring all ISPs to do the same (imagine — a law forbidding network neutrality!).
Source: Consumerist – Via: Boing Boing