We offer our sincere apologies to all who attempted to access the web site this weekend, as it was down from late Friday evening to supper time on Sunday. The stem of the issue goes beyond simple coding issues, but rather server and software configurations.
To make a long story short, we have now recovered, we are now better people and we now have wider waists thanks to the amount of beer required to get through the ordeal. The result is a far better running web site, and the intent to never let such an issue creep up again.
Along with the website being back online, we’ve imported some fresh code also, which doesn’t affect anything noticeable. But, that doesn’t mean bugs couldn’t have creeped in. If you happen to notice anything out of the ordinary, please don’t hesitate to let us know, and we’ll fix it immediately.
That all aside, we have some big plans for the site throughout the summer, so stay tuned as we work towards making the site much more feature-rich, more enjoyable to use and easier to look at. Thanks guys!