Ex-administrator of torrent website EliteTorrents, Sk0t, was prosecuted for leaking a Star Wars movie on the internet, so naturally, punishment was due. He has since been to jail and released, but now the Government requires that he installs tracking software on his computer (talk about ultimate spyware), but there’s a problem. He uses Linux, and since the Government doesn’t product the tracking software for the OS, he’s left with no choice but to install Windows… and enjoy it.
I have to wonder how the Govn. would know if he decided to use a combination of both, although I assume they are monitoring all of his internet traffic. It’s too bad he didn’t get off a little easier, such as with a longer jail sentence.
sk0t was informed by his Probation Officer that he has to have special software installed on his PC so that the government can monitor his online activities. However, what is a more bitter pill to swallow for him is that the monitoring software is Windows only and as sk0t is an Ubuntu user, the Justice Department is forcing him to switch operating systems.
Source: TorrentFreak