Once again, there have been a ton of Auto Assault updates over the week!
he Recon section has been updated with information about Highways: Link, Our highways are probably much different than the one you travel over the river and through the woods to go see Grandma, unless Grandma lives in a post-apocalyptic wasteland and the roadside is kind of green and glowy-like with all sorts of bad guys and twisted creatures that are trying to shoot out your back tires.
We wrapped up our February “From Auto Assault with Love†feature with the last of our race-related wallpapers, this one a picturesque glimpse at the Mutant town of Tocado.
Several interviews have been featured on a variety of sites this week. Each one reveals a little more than the one before, so you’ll want to read them all:
Scott “Scorch†Brown on Killer Betties: Link
Valerie “Pann†Massey, in a “Killer Women†profile, also on Killer Betties: Link
Ryan “SamuraiPenguin†had a lot to say this week and couldn’t fit it all into one interview, so he did two: Gamespot and Skewed and Reviewed
That’s all the updates for this week. We will be sure to pass along info onto you next week as they arrive.