“April 25, 2005 – When you think of RTSs, Dungeons & Dragons isn’t the first thing that pops into most peoples’ heads. Warcraft, StarCraft and the Westwood games take the bulk of the mindshare, with a side of Dawn of War and whatever current WWII RTS manages to capture your attention.
Well, the folks at Liquid Entertainment are out to change that, and not only are they tackling a D&D RTS, but creating a whole new canonized mythology–even farther than BioWare went with Knights of the Old Republic. The world of Dragonshard has pretty much nothing in common with the characters and locales we’ve become used to (most of them populating the de facto standard bearer, Forgotten Realms). Liquid is out to remind people that D&D isn’t all about the Sword Coast.”
This games actually looking pretty good. I love the style of the art and monsters. Check out the full preview at IGN.