It’s that time of year again where the folks over at Bit-Tech roundup the best mods of the year and pit them against each other to find the “best”. I admit that I don’t make it a point to go out and see what mods are being worked on, but without fail I am in awe every time I look at these roundups. The talent that some of these modders have puts anything I do to shame, and for that I am humbled.
As you’d hope with such a roundup, some of these PCs don’t even look like PCs at all. One example is “Dreadnaught“, a robot straight out of Warhammer 40,000. It’s big, it’s mean, and it looks nothing at all like a PC. Another I quite like is “Mid Century Madness“, a simple-looking mid-1960’s shelf complete with a mini-tower inside. Though not as complex as some of the other mods, this one strikes me for being the opposite… simple, and super-subtle.
One weakness I do have with computer mods is tubing… if there is a PC with lots of water running through it with colored coolant that matches the rest of the aesthetic, it might as well automatically be added to my “do want!” list. This year, “SR-2 Stacker” really caught my eye. It’s as beautiful as it is crazy-powerful, and while “Filtration” might not have copious amount so high-end gear like that one, it’s also oh-so-pretty to look at.
Of course, these are just my personal tastes and chances are yours won’t align with mine. So do yourself a favor and check out the top 25 at the link below, and if you want to support one of the modders, you can sign up and vote. That’s if you can even choose a favorite.