Has there been a bad thing to be said about Blu-ray in the past few months? We just learned of the fact that Heavenly Sword uses 10GB of sound effects, and now we see that Blu-ray is outselling HD-DVD 2 to 1 this year, according to Home Media Research. The movie 300, for example, has sold 190,000 copies on Blu-ray while only selling 97,000 on HD-DVD. It may seem non-impressive from the HD-DVD standpoint, but that’s still quite a dedicated fan base.
Perhaps these two formats can seek peaceful coexistence, but as things stand right now, Blockbuster has gone Blu-ray and so have some retailers. We really don’t care who wins the movie format war, but we’d prefer people spending their money on a couple extra games instead of possibly throwing their money away on a console attachment for a dying not-selling-as-well format.
Source: Joystiq