SWG Dev Chat on Wednesday, April 13th!
On Wednesday, April 13th at 5:00 PM PDT / 7:00PM CDT / 8:00PM EDT, SWG Stratics network will be hosting a chat with the developers of Star Wars Galaxies in the #StraticsHoC channel on Stratics IRC. The topic of discussion will be combat balance. If you are unable to attend this chat and would like to submit a question please post it here.
You can connect to one of Stratics IRC servers through the use of your favorite IRC client, such as mIRC, ircle, xchat, or whichever you prefer. Connect to irc.stratics.com port 6668 or whichever server is closest to you:
* irc.epaxsys.net port 6668, USA – Colorado
* stratics.frws.com port 6668, USA – Colorado
* irc.glowfish.de port 6668, EU – Germany
* stratics.afraidyet.net 6668, USA – Atlanta
You may also connect through their handy Java homepage.