A couple of weeks ago, Activision released a couple of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 “trailers”, that to me, were not too big of a deal. Alright… I drooled all over myself. But, because the trailers didn’t show much in way of gameplay, aka: nothing at all, I decided to hold off on posting anything until a more worthwhile trailer came along. Well, we didn’t have to wait too long.
The game begins where Modern Warfare 2 left off, with the world engulfed in major conflict. Throughout the trailer, we see war going on in major nations, and recognizable landmarks look to be part of the action. No character names are uttered here, so we still can’t conclude on who’s to appear – but given the continuing story, we’re sure to see all of the major characters from the previous game.
Set for release on November 8, 2011, we still have a ways to go, and thanks to this trailer, it’s going to be a hard wait.
Rob founded Techgage in 2005 to be an 'Advocate of the consumer', focusing on fair reviews and keeping people apprised of news in the tech world. Catering to both enthusiasts and businesses alike; from desktop gaming to professional workstations, and all the supporting software.