When NVIDIA first launched their GeForce 3D Vision at this year’s CES, no one was sure how it would take off, if at all. 3D gaming up to this point has been nothing more than a joke, and personally, I’ve never been impressed with any implementation up until I first put on the 3D Vision glasses. Even NVIDIA’s implementation isn’t perfect, but we’re on the right track, and assuming you aren’t expecting a fully immersive 3D experience, it can help make certain games much more enjoyable.
Until now, the company hasn’t had any real support from game developers to build their game around the technology, but today Capcom announced that the PC version of Resident Evil 5 (due later this year), will come bundled with support, although we’ll have to wait and see just how they develop the game to take better advantage of it.
We can assume that the game will look no different for those without the glasses, but there’s likely to be a mode to enable that will allow you to tell the game that you have the proper hardware. RE5, to me, is the perfect kind of title for this usage, because any more realism in a horror game is sure to get blood pumping. Hopefully when the game gets released, 120Hz monitors will be much more affordable…
Featuring a revolutionary new co-op mode of gameplay, Resident Evil 5 will let players experience fear together as terror moves out of the shadows and into the light of day. The PC version of Resident Evil 5 will feature online play for co-operative play sessions over the internet and will also take advantage of NVIDIA’s new GeForce 3D Vision technology (wireless 3D Vision glasses sold separately).