If you think $599 for a phone is too much, you are certainly not alone. With that blatant fact, comes obvious rumors that cheaper iPhones are on the way, such as the tentative iPhone Shuffle that you see to the right.
According to one technology researcher, Apple would be smart to roll out iPhones at more reasonable prices in order to make a huge impact, a la iPod. I disagree. This is Apple we are talking about. Did the iPod sell over 100 million units because it was priced right? Far from it. Compared to other audio players on the market, the iPods have always cost more. The iPhone will sell. It might not sell 100 million units like the iPod, but Apple clearly prefers to release top quality products in liu of more customers. That said, more iPhones are definitely on the way. It seems like a given.
Shaw Wu has been right on a couple Apple predictions in the past, but it doesn’t take much to guess that Apple is currently at work on, or at least thinking about, a second generation of iPhone. Price drops also seem inevitable, and Shaw’s predictions hold few surprises.
Source: Ars Technica