With the relaunch of our Dark Age of Camelot Stratics site we are pleased to bring you the following Darkness Rising exclusives!
In addition we have some featured new content to wet your appetite for Darkness Rising and make the wait for the update and patch a little less painful!
- Las Vegas Roundtable Review – A little late but still worth the read. Written by Marizelle, she will let you know if her glimpse of Darkness Rising lured her to “come back to Camelot!”
- Darkness Rising Screenshot Gallery – Our gallery dedicated solely to images of Darkness Rising from the new mounts, to Champion weapons, Tir Na Nog art updates and more!
- Movie Gallery – Two movies covering the new Darkness Falls art and the player controlled mounts released in Darkness Rising
The DAoC Stratics forums have also been relaunched – you can find them at DAoC Forum Index.
Stop by and say hello!