So we tally up the results from them we see NVIDIA obviously dominate everything, even in certain games if ATI is winning NVIDIA remains really close. Especially in low and mid-range performance systems ATI is under attack. But very interesting to see is are the high-end products from ATI perform with that new Cat 6.7 driver. Be sure to check that out. In short: the overall view thus generic performance among the majority of games without a doubt is looking fantastic for NVIDIA SLI. Nobody will deny that even for a second. But do remember what I already stated in the introduction. The last two or three sites have used the new Catalyst 6.7 drivers in their scores (they received them prior to the official release form ATI) and they clearly make a distinct performance difference. None the less. NVIDIA takes the lead by far. But there is much more to all this then a tally of results. Let’s talk a little about Image Quality, HDR+AA and so important … drivers.
We reported about part 7 yesterday, so I am not sure what happened to part 8! Check out the conclusion to the series at Guru3D.