WD poses this question: Why store your sensitive data online, when the storage space is limited, and the security out of your control? Its answer: WD My Cloud, a NAS-like device that enables you to create a personal cloud in your home, quickly and easily. Say hello to huge storage (2~4TB) and no recurring subscription fees.
We humans, are creatures of pattern. Of repetition. Most of us follow the same routine day in and day out, deviating a little when time or money allows. I know in my own life, most days I wake up, go to work and come home. While not unlike most everybody else with careers, my life can become monotonous at times. I am a creature of pattern.
Take, for example, my writing at Techgage over the past couple of years, which has centered on storage. I am a big proponent of backing up your data; I back my personal data up on a pair of NAS boxes, one I purchased and the other, one I held onto after a review. I backup and share data on one, and back that up to the other. However, even without the redundancy of a second device, backing up one’s data to a single drive is far better than nothing at all.
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