I wish I could have posted the title sans a question mark, but no one really knows whether or not this will happen. I clearly remember the day I first installed DN3D on my fresh 486/66, because I was bragging to myself about how many times I could install the game on my massive 4GB hard drive. One thing is for sure, the game was well worth the 0.8% of the drive it hogged up. If it comes to XBL, I will buy it up quick and kick some ass. Come on 3D Realms.. make it so.
This would typically be the part where we go into a discussion of when Duke Nukem Forever is coming out and wonder openly if it will ever happen. But we’ll simply give you this handy-dandy little link to our Duke Nukem Forever happy 10th un-birthday post and let you think about what you were doing ten years ago when the game was first announced. With any luck, by the time you snap out of thinking back ten years, the XBLA version of Duke Nukem 3D will be ready.
Source: Joystiq