Mirkayn, guild leader of Clan WhiteStorm, and EQ2 Stratics have joined up to offer prizes for the Puzzle of Storms!!
That’s right! The first person to solve the puzzle will receive an EQ2 Hat and Viewfinder! The clues have been given out on our forums.
Five levels there are, and only five in me
I am warrior, I am priest, I am mage, I am scout
Then a final challenge shall eliminate doubt
To the first that can list the name of Test Two
I give my utmost respect and yet another clue
Think on the words and the pattern it means
Each level the pattern does change
Match the grid to your mind and thunder will sound
And the harps from the final arrange
The sequence you seek to unlock the first door
Is but the final mark of the warrior’s bleat
The most simple pattern and yet no more
Will light your way to the priest’s retreat
So far, only the first part of the puzzle has been uncovered! So try your luck, and let us know how you do!
Good Luck Everyone!