NVIDIA’s GeForce GTX TITAN is an impressive graphics card, a point that’s hard to argue given it’s the most capable single-GPU solution on the market, from both a performance and memory standpoint. But, it costs $1,000, and at the moment, it’s almost impossible to find in stock.
So, what is someone to do, if they are planning to run huge resolutions and want some breathing room? Climb the nearest mountain in hopes of spotting a TITAN in the wild, and then pay a $500 premium over the GTX 780, or $350 over the GTX 780 Ti? Not to mention spending cash on gear just so you don’t freeze to death atop said mountain.
Fortunately, EVGA understands the predicament gamers are in, and it certainly sees no need for someone to climb a mountain just to pick up a graphics card (nor do, really, I just need to be more of a creative writer). To solve the issue, EVGA is bringing 6GB models of the original GTX 780 to market, and by all appearances, the premium is small – about $30~$50 over a 3GB model.
As is common of EVGA’s lineups, more than one 6GB model will be made available, with a reference-clocked version priced at $550. We’re unsure of what price the ACX-equipped SC model will have, but it has a nice bump to the base clock – as would be expected of a “Superclocked” model.
I do believe EVGA is a little late on this, given the number of people I’ve seen around the Web ask for such a thing even since the 780 was released – but eh, it’s here (or soon to be), and if you purchased an EVGA card in the past 90 days, you’ll be able to step-up to the 6GB card once released.
Where’s the 780 Ti 6GB? I would have figured that NVIDIA would disallow such a release, but our friends over at Legit Reviews got confirmation from EVGA that it’s also en route. Damn.