Google offers great services for free, which is one reason why they have become so utterly popular. So how come they are screwing over their -paying- customers? Though I never paid attention to the service personally, Google Video offered ‘download-to-own’ videos, which users could download to their computer (I assume) and then play back later. Each video was DRM-infested however, so you had to connect to their service in order to verify that you owned the video. Well as it turns out, Google is ending the service, and effectively disabling all those purchased videos in the process.
Notice that Google called these videos “purchased” and “download to own” — as though by buying them, they became your property. Funny kind of property, that. Imagine if these were DVDs: one day, a man from Virgin Megastore shows up at your door and says, “We’re taking away all your videos. Sorry! But we’ll give you a credit to spend at a different store. Not a credit for videos, though. Also: it expires in 60 days.”
Source: Boing Boing