Morning peeps! Slow news day today sadly. Lots of stuff going on around the house today that’s taking me away from the PC =/
Cases & Enclosures
- Aspire X-Qpack Micro ATX – PC Masters
Memory & Storage
- Corsair TWIN2X1024-8500 Memory – Hexus
- GEIL Ultra-X nForce4 Edition PC3200 400MHz CL2 5-2-2 – Think Computers
- Kingston U3 DataTraveler Flash Drive – Legit Reviews
Motherboards & CPU’s
- ASUS P5N32-SLI Deluxe Motherboard – Viper Lair
Etcetera & Contests
- Averatec’s 1050 Ultra-Portable Laptop – BIOS Magazine
- Building a Silent Media PC – Bjorn3D
- Interview with Sapphire CEO K D Au – Hexus
- Ninja programmer Chuck lets PC outclass Xbox 360 in Oblivion visuals – Hexus
- Windows Vista Delayed…And you really expected it not to be?! – Think Computer