If you want to keep your CPU cool with a mammoth cooler, than the CNPS9500 might be worth checking out. The Tech Zone takes a look at it today and seems to love it. Sure, it’s huge but it looks amazing! For the GPU side, Tweaknews takes a look at theVF900, also from Zalman. This cooler proves superior over the stock cooler, taking off 14°C off the max temp. If you are a workstation guru, then you should take a look at the new reviews of ATI’s FireGL V7350 card. Kudos to you if you can take advantage of the full gigabyte of video memory!
Memory & Storage
- G.Skill: 2GB DDR400 Dual Channel Kit – TweakPC
- OCZ 1GB PC2-6400 EL XTC Platinum Edition – ByteSector
Video Cards & Monitor
- ATI FireGL V7350 Early Preview – Hexus
- ATI FireGL V7350 – X-Bit Labs
- Leadtek’s WinFast PX7300 GS TDH – Beyond3D
- NVIDIA SLI Physics Technology Report – Rojak Pot
- Sapphire X1600 Pro PCIe Video Card – Legit Reviews