A couple of weeks after Windows 7’s launch, reports came out that usage was rather good considering the short amount of time it was available. In just under 10 days, Microsoft’s latest OS hit a 3% market share of Internet-connected PCs, and anyway you look at it, that’s impressive. I’m not sure how thing’s have improved since then, but as far as Techgage readers seem to be concerned, the OS is quite alright.
In the above-linked news post, I was unable to give information about the percentage of people using Windows 7 to view our site, but as of December 1, our analytics software finally updated itself to support detection of the OS, so we can begin to see its usage on our site. Bear in mind that as our site gets nowhere near the traffic as ultra-large sites which are normally used as a baseline to understand OS usage growth or decline, since our site does cater to a tech audience, it’s informative enough to see just how well-received the OS is.
Of all our visitors, 88.08% were using a Windows OS between December 1 – 3, and of this, 23.80% were running Windows 7. Surprising, no? Of course, XP is still the dominant OS with a 51.96% share, and Vista is in a close third to 7 with 19.45%. I find these results interesting, because even though 7 has been out just a little over a month, it’s already eclipsed Vista and is half-way to catching up to XP (that won’t happen for a while).
It’s hard to consider this information definitive based off of three days of data, but I found it interesting enough to post about. I’m going to let this go for another two weeks or so and then post a follow-up to this to see if the numbers of changed. I honestly don’t expect them to change much, as the numbers hovered between 17% – 26% between these days (the 17% is likely due to the fact that the software didn’t start picking up on Windows 7 until later in the day), so if anything, the number might very-well rise.
Have YOU adopted Windows 7? Let us know in the thread!