Ni hao all! As I write this, it’s 4:37PM in Taipei, and I’m essentially just killing time in Taipei 101 until I can go to the airport to fly back home. Word of wisdom… don’t make the mistake of having a really late departure. It’s no fun at all to check out of your hotel at lunch time and then hop on a flight twelve hours later! Oh well, lesson learned.
Because Taiwan is on the opposite side of the planet from North America, it takes more than 24 hours for me to get back home. Because of this, things will appear slow for the next few days, where content and news is concerned. Things should get back up to speed on Friday, provided jet lag doesn’t do me in!
As I mentioned the other day, we still have two more Computex-related articles in the works, including one that takes a look at all of the products we thought were totally stellar overall. After that article is posted, I’ll soon follow-up with another that takes the behind-the-scenes look at my travel to Taiwan, to give you guys a general idea of how things go down when we’re over here.
With Computex behind us, our regularly-scheduled content will get back on schedule soon, and we have a lot of cool things planned. One of the most important is a total revising of our testing methodologies, which will target our CPU and GPU reviews, and possibly also our motherboards. We’re a little overdue for these, so I look forward to sitting down and getting them all taken care of.
Of course, that’s not all, but it’d be no fun to spoil everything for you!