It is with great pride that announces the launch of the new HEXUS.gaming channel; a site dedicated to all things gaming, from hardware and software to interviews and screenshots.
Our gaming coverage has been rapidly expanding over the past few months, covering everything from high-profile game launches to worldwide gaming tournaments. We want to bring you the latest and greatest gaming related content and HEXUS.gaming is the place where this will happen.
Despite the segregation into its own channel, HEXUS.gaming still has close ties with HEXUS.core. After all, you’ll want to know what hardware is up to running the games we review, won’t you? Gaming has even had an influence on DV editing, with editing programs like Tenomichi 3D Edit, (as reviewed by DVdoctor), using the same DirectX 9 acceleration for effects as the latest PC games! We can safely say that gaming has earned its own
The site looks like it’s already off to a great start. Love the color scheme especially. Check it out at Hexus.gaming.