It feels like we’ve been talking about Qualcomm’s Snapdragon-enabled “all day” notebooks for quite some time, so I’m finding it hard to get through my head that the first products are finally almost out the door. That includes HP’s ENVY x2, which sells for $999, and is expected to ship by March 23.
After noticing that the laptop was sold out the other day, I talked to Qualcomm about it, and was told that sure enough, initial supply sold out very quickly, hinting at possibly stronger initial demand than either HP or Qualcomm realized. Currently, the ENVY x2 is back in stock, so if you missed the initial wave, and want in, now is your chance.
Other upcoming Snapdragon notebooks include ASUS’ NovaGo 2-in-1, and also Lenovo’s Miix 630, which we gave a Best of CES 2018 award to after we saw it in action. There’s no clear sign of a release date for either of these notebooks as far as I can tell, but with the ENVY due soon, we can hope the others will not fall far behind.
As a bit of a reminder, these initial Snapdragon-equipped notebooks will feature the 835, which should make sense since the 845 isn’t technically available to consumers yet (many products are coming, though).
ASUS’ NovaGo 2-in-1 Snapdragon-powered notebook
In a nutshell, these notebooks run on Arm’s architecture, which would normally mean that they’d be a pain to use, but not so here. Thanks to x86 emulation that works seamlessly and subtly for the user, the only real software limits are those dictated by the performance offered. You’re not going to be playing Crysis on these things, but you will be using Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, and so on.
We’ll have a more in-depth look at one of these notebooks in the near-future. Which one, I’m not sure, but admittedly, it doesn’t really matter, as all of them look great and offer a similar feature set. Brand loyalty may play a role in many people’s decisions here!