Sparked by the recent success of the third Humble Bundle release, a new group has emerged offering its own collection of DRM-free indie PC games. For the next four days Indie Royale is offering A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda, Gemini Rue, Nimbus, and Sanctum games, with a bonus of a free Sanctum DLC made available to all purchasers for every 10,000 bundles sold.

The Indie Royale works very similarly to the Humble Bundle, although there is one major twist. There is a minimum bid, and every person that pays only the minimum will cause the price to raise a fraction of a cent. However, anyone paying above the minimum will cause the price to instead decrease for everyone else. Just as with the Humble Bundle, buyers will be given direct download links, and keys to redeem the games on Desura and Steam (other than for Gemini Rue as it just came to Steam).
After watching for half-an-hour it is apparent word is spreading about this new bundle as the number sold has been going up at an ever-increasing pace. So far the majority of purchasers seem to be sticking to just the minimums, though ($2.97 as of this moment), so in general the sooner you buy the less the cost will be. On the positive side, at the current pace the first and second Sanctum DLC pack looks pretty assured to drop before the deadline. Top contributors will be listed at the bottom of the page, as well as a graph of the price over the last two hours.
The last thing to note is that the Indie Royale makes it clear this will become a reoccurring event, with each successive bundle lasting two weeks each. They have even gone as far as to list each bundle name as a teaser, but no specifics are given.