I admit that I’m sometimes easily amused, but there’s just something about looking at old tech products and seeing what they’d cost today that I like. You might recall that this past summer, I relayed an Ars Technica chart that showed us what classic consoles would cost in 2013 dollars, and overall, the results were quite interesting, and even a little amusing.
Now, Redditor Auir2blaze has gone one better and actually included a picture of each console, to make the associations a little bit easier to grasp. The original image is rather massive, so I scaled it down for inclusion here. If you look back at the above-mentioned post from this summer, you’ll note that not all of the price changes are 1:1, but they’re all very close.
The fact that the Neo Geo was $650 at launch in 1990 will never get boring. An excellent console it was, but given the fact that I had a ton of friends that played video games and not one of them had a Neo Geo, I think it definitely goes down as one of the rarer consoles.
Something I find interesting is that the Dreamcast, one of my absolute favorites, cost a mere $200 at launch. This was a console that had state-of-the-art graphics, the ability to go online, the coolest memory cards ever (they could become their own games), and yet it was affordable. If it were released today? $272 – less than a Wii U.